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Next Event: Dec 29 Zoom Meeting!

Since we had more than 10 people join us on our first zoom meeting on 3 Dec, we are happy to announce that our next event will be on 29 Dec. We have already more than 20 sign ups!


The usual format will be to join as Audience or Speaker.

You can sign up to be an audience or a speaker:

Audience listens to the books that the speakers share and are free to take part in the discussion.

Speaker has to share a book and the format includes:

1) Score

2) 3 Things you learn from this book

3) Favorite Quotes

To Sign Up

Please go to the Events Page!

I will see you on that day :)

Zoom Meeting details will be sent to those who confirm.




Book Worm

Let the posts
come to you.

Thanks for submitting!

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